Was aired on the program:
Friday, July 3, 2020
2:00am - 4:00am
Hosted by: Nancy Nangeroni and Gordene MacKenzie
Originally aired:
WMBR will be celebrating Pride Week from June 27 through July 3 this year. In addition to other LGBTQ+ focused content, we're airing archived episodes of GenderTalk every night this Pride Week. GenderTalk aired on WMBR from 1997-2006, focused on all issues of gender from a first person perspective.
This is an archived recording of GenderTalk #555, originally aired on April 15, 2006. This program features interviews with Andrea James and Calpernia Adams, on their part in the movie TransAmerica and their trans education and advocacy work, and Monica Roberts, on the Transsistahs-Transbrothas Conference racism and African-Americans in the transgender community. GenderTalk was originally produced and hosted by Nancy Nangeroni and Gordene MacKenzie.
For more information about this event, contact: